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The all new Quantum batteries

Developers Company Micronics Japan Co. Ltd. called developed their battery "quantum", emphasizing his physical, rather than chemical nature. A single cell has already been demonstrated by developers, it is a film of the metal-oxide-semiconductor structure of n-type, which uses particles of titanium dioxide, tin dioxide and oxide zinc coated with an insulating film. In the role of the latter may act as organic and inorganic insulators. Instead of using the ion energy storage (as in the battery of your phone), layered "quantum battery" exploits electrons, only not as capacitors. It is alleged that the system is based on the storage of electrons "in the forbidden zone" of the semiconductor. In the production of the structures, "metal - oxide - semiconductor" charge layer drive is irradiated with ultraviolet unnamed parameters. 

                                After production, when charging, which can be made ​​from any source, including penlight batteries, free electrons occupy energetic levels in the working material and is kept there as long as the battery does not need to discharge. Thus, we have a rechargeable battery with a very high energy density storage. According to the company Micronics Japan Co. Ltd., production models (promised in the near future) will have a capacity of up to 500 Wh / L and still be able to produce up to 8000 watts of peak power per liter of volume. It is not just high, and breakthrough performance: such drives even at low capacity will be able to issue more peak power, combining the best features of batteries and supercapacitors. 

That is, in theory, regenerative braking to be able to use them much more efficiently than in today's electric cars and hybrids. In this case, unlike the supercapacitors voltage taken from these drives, it does not decrease as they discharge to the end of remaining stable. In addition, it is stated that "quantum battery" will be able to work in a range from -25 to +85 ° C, and its life cycle reaches 100 thousand. charge-discharge cycles before the fall of capacity below 90% of the original. Unlike previous versions of "quantum battery", the novelty does not use the "difficult" and expensive materials such as graphene, and therefore "completely ready for mass production. "


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