How to Convert Disk Images .BIN to ISO in Linux: UPDATED!
Convert Disk Image Formats To .ISO
The .bin and .cue are the two you are most likely to be familiar with (beyond the .iso, which is the most common in the Linux world).The tool we’ll be using is known as iat and it’s actually just a tiny command-line application.
To use
iat <path/to/file_name> <desired_output_name.iso>
Option 2
binchunker converts a CD image in a ".bin / .cue" format
(sometimes ".raw / .cue") to a set of .iso and .cdr tracks.
The bin/cue format is used by some non-Unix cd-writing
software, but is not supported on most other cd-writing
The .iso track contains an ISO file system, which can be
mounted through a loop device on Linux systems ('mount track.iso
/mnt/cdrom -o loop=/dev/loop0,blocksize=1024'), or written on a
CD-R using cdrecord.
The .cdr tracks are in the native CD audio format. They can
be either written on a CD-R using cdrecord -audio, or converted
to WAV (or any other sound format for that matter) using
sox ('sox track.cdr track.wav'). Audio tracks can be written
in WAV format by using the -w switch.
How to install this stuff:
$ gzip -d -c bchunk-1.2.0.tar.gz | tar xvf -
$ cd bchunk-1.2.0
$ make
# make install