Linux Redirection & Pipes
1. Ability to control input and output
Input redirection '<':
1. cat ':
1. cat 123.txt > onetwothree.txt
Note: Default nature is to:
1. Clobber the target file
2. Populate with information from input stream
Append redirection '>>':
1. cat 123.txt >> numbers.txt - creates 'numbers.txt' if it doesn't exist, or appends if it does
2. cat 456.txt >> numbers.txt
Pipes '|':
Features: Connects the output stream of one command to the input stream of a subsequent command
1. cat 123.txt | sort
2. cat 456.txt 123.txt | sort
3. cat 456.txt 123.txt | sort | grep 3
1. Ability to control input and output
Input redirection '<':
1. cat ':
1. cat 123.txt > onetwothree.txt
Note: Default nature is to:
1. Clobber the target file
2. Populate with information from input stream
Append redirection '>>':
1. cat 123.txt >> numbers.txt - creates 'numbers.txt' if it doesn't exist, or appends if it does
2. cat 456.txt >> numbers.txt
Pipes '|':
Features: Connects the output stream of one command to the input stream of a subsequent command
1. cat 123.txt | sort
2. cat 456.txt 123.txt | sort
3. cat 456.txt 123.txt | sort | grep 3