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Google AdSense-how to get approved fast

Tips For Fast Google AdSense Approval. Earn Money from blog

If you have a blog or website with nice content and traffic then you can earn a handsome amount from google AdSense. But it is really very difficult to get your website approved by google. Most of the times, google rejects AdSense applications saying that the website doesn't comply with google policies

A good Privacy Page is a added option for google AdSense. Also you need a Contact Page, About page. Using excess of javascript and too much broken link will not work with google AdSense. you should use google analytic to check your site performance.

Your name an email should be clearly visible in page. Minimum number of page must be at least 60+.If your content is unique and valuable for the visitors, the traffic of your site will increase day by day and this is what google looks for. Never use abusive or pornographic content and don't publish cracked softwares and copyrighted material. So make your content easy to understand and useful

Next is to submit your website to Google AdSense.

Dont worry if your application got rejected .I have tried many times till   I got approved.

You now have access to your new AdSense account where you can accumulate earnings and set up and track your YouTube payments.
In your AdSense account, you will be able to track your earnings as the “Hosted AdSense for Content” product on the “Home Overview” and “Performance reports” pages of your AdSense account. You may see additional earnings from DoubleClick and other third party ads served on your YouTube channels and/or videos. This data will show as 'YouTube' on the 'Payments' page of your AdSense account.
If you have any questions about YouTube monetizat

this is just the email you will see after approval.

Now the trick.If you are disapproved by Google. Try to get approved through Google partners like YouTube. Upload any good video and once it reach more than 1000 view YouTube will send you link for monetizing .

This is very very important---don't try to use old/rejected google AdSense account with request from YouTube. create a fresh adsense account to apply for approval.

Once you get approval mail go to here.

You can use this Publisher id in any of the Google partner domain.

If you need help just contact me


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