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DarkComet Trojan virus, Remote Access Trojan (RAT) attack on Macintosh

Message from Trojan (RAT). If you see below message in your system you are infected
Hello I'm the BlackHole Remote Administration Tool. I'm a trojan horse, so I have infected your Mac Computer. I know, most people think that Macs can't be infected, but look, you ARE infected! I have full controll [sic] over your Computer and I can do everything I want, and you can do nothing to prevent it. So, Im [sic] a very new virus, under Development, so there will be much more functions when I'm finished. But for now, it's okay what I can do. To show you what I can do, I will reboot your Computer after you have clicked the Button right down.
BlackHole RAT

Appears to be a mix of German and English in the user interface. Its functions include:

  •  Placing text files on the desktop
  •  Sending a restart, shutdown or sleep command
  •  Running arbitrary shell commands
  •  Placing a full screen window with a message that only allows you to click reboot
  •  Sending URLs to the client to open a website
  • Popping up a fake "Administrator Password" window to phish the target
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