Free Test for speed limitaion by ISP
ISP(internet service provider) normally block or cap your download speed .If you think ISP is cheating on your internet connection go and take a test .see whether your ISP is putting restriction on speed of Bit Torrent,eMule,Email,HTTP,SSH or flash movies like youtube
ISPs are increasingly deploying a variety of middleboxes (e.g., firewalls, traffic shapers, censors, and redirectors) to monitor and to manipulate the performance of user applications. Most ISPs do not reveal the details of their network deployments to their customers. We believe that this knowledge is important to help users make a more informed choice of their ISP. Further, such knowledge is also useful for researchers designing protocols and systems that run on top of these networks.

The Glasnost data have been analyzed by "The network is aware" project ( to identify deep packet inspection techniques. You can find more information about the DPI project at and more information about the DPI data at the Wiki of this github project.
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P2P apps | Standard apps | Video-on-Demand | ||
BitTorrent eMule Gnutella | Email (POP) Email (IMAP4) HTTP transfer SSH transfer Usenet (NNTP) NEW! | Flash video (e.g., YouTube) |