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Big Data

Google 's algorithm called MapReduce and how it was used  with Hadoop

So what's 'Big Data'.it is a collection of large datasets that cannot be processed using traditional computing techniques. Big data is not merely a data, rather it has become a complete subject, which involves various tools, techniques and frameworks.

  • Using the information kept in the social network like Facebook, the marketing agencies are learning about the response for their campaigns, promotions, and other advertising mediums.
  • Using the information in the social media like preferences and product perception of their consumers, product companies and retail organizations are planning their production.
  • Using the data regarding the previous medical history of patients, hospitals are providing better and quick service.

Big data is really critical to our life and its emerging as one of the most important technologies in modern world.The amount of data produced by us from the beginning of time till 2003 was 5 billion gigabytes. If you pile up the data in the form of disks it may fill an entire football field. The same amount was created in every two days in 2011, and in every ten minutes in 2013. This rate is still growing enormously.

Hadoop runs applications using the MapReduce algorithm, where the data is processed in parallel on different CPU nodes. In short, Hadoop framework is capable enough to develop applications capable of running on clusters of computers and they could perform complete statistical analysis for a huge amounts of data.

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