Top parental content lock for smartphones
1.MMGuardian(Android phone or tablet, iPhone or iPad)

Control Application Install and Use
Encourage your child to take a break from their device by pre-setting times when all downloaded applications will be disabled. Or remotely send a command to temporarily disable them. Also, optionally disable the App Store to prevent new app installs, or set age-based restrictions on apps, videos and music downloadable from the iTunes store.
Block Websites containing Porn, Adult or other inappropriate content
Prevent your child from accessing web sites that are not appropriate for children, using the Web Filter function. Select which categories of web sites are allowed or should be blocked, or set up specific URLs and domains to allow or block.
View complete web browsing history
The complete MMGuardian Web Filter and Safe Browser solution includes detailed reports, accessible from the parent web portal, about all sites that have been viewed and attempts that were blocked.
Restrict Device Functions
Disable the camera, Face Time or multiplayer games.
2.Kaspersky Parental Control
Helping you protect your kids from digital dangers
Because most children are using multiple devices – including laptops, desktops, tablets & mobile phones – to surf the Internet, download apps, communicate with friends and visit social networking websites… the task of keeping kids safe can be a challenge for any parent. New technologies have brought a whole host of new digital dangers.