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Man plays guitar for 6 hours during brain surgery

A US man found a novel way to help doctors perform a complex brain surgery on him - by playing his guitar! Actor-musician Brad Carter strummed his one-of-a-kind handmade guitar for six hours as doctors operated on him.
Although Carter had to put down the guitar when he began experiencing debilitating hand tremors - his strumming skills came to good use when doctors implanted a wire inside his head, a daily reported.

He used his tunes to guide surgeons through his brain as they implanted a pacemaker to ease the hand tremors that had plagued him for the better part of a decade. Carter's fancy fretwork helped his surgeons locate the best spot for a deep brain stimulation procedure that they hope will ease tremors in his hands that have kept him from his life's passion.
"I've been a guitarist since 1988. Music is my first love. I'm an actor for a living, but I always have music to turn to. It's a part of your soul," Carter, an actor and musician in Los Angeles, told to a channel.

Carter began experiencing the hand tremors seven years ago. Medications didn't help, and he had to stop performing as a musician. Doctors diagnosed his condition as a benign essential tremor, and elected to try a surgical procedure called deep brain stimulation that is also used on patients with Parkinson's and some seizure disorders.


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