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Technology: The largest Internet company in 2030 will be the online school

Futurist Thomas Frey predicts that in 14 years of training will be held with the participation of teachers robots. Pupils and students will develop a personalized program under the guidance of a professional bot quickly and efficiently so that finish first university courses will be for a few months.

In 2030, pupils and students will be trained on the Internet, and teachers will be robotic systems. According to forecasts of the director of the Institute and senior futurist Thomas Frey Da Vinci, the world of technology has not yet reached this level. Therefore, the IT company, which will be able to build an innovative system of education will be the undisputed leader in all of the IT market.

Frey does not mean neither Google, nor Apple, or Facebook. "This is a company, that we have not heard. No one so far failed to find the way to the formation of the future ", - the expert said in an interview with the Business An Insider .

Analysts are advised to prepare now for the boom of the educational sphere. According to forecasts EdTechXGlobal and IBIS Capital, in 2020 investments will reach $ 252 billion in education and training, and that this area will bring the greatest benefit to investors in the coming years.

The educational system of the future will look like an improved version of today's online courses, whose popularity has only increased by 50% this year. But the main difference between online schools in 2030 from today's Khan Academy, Coursera and MIT OpenCourseWare will use robots instead of teachers.

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Futurist compares the process of preparing the boats and educators to work in-depth learning algorithm from DeepMind . The system has mastered the rules of Breakout video games themselves, but after half an hour already knew how to gain maximum points. And all this without human intervention. In the field of machine learning education would work in a similar scenario. Online Bots will independently determine the strengths and weaknesses of students and with the help of a series of algorithms adapt the program of lessons for these features.

Pupils and students do not have to compete for the attention of the teacher, as it usually happens in the classroom. This training will increase the efficiency of 4-10 times, so that the master program of the first high school courses will be less than six months.

Yet educational robots will not be able to completely replace the traditional schooling, says Thomas Frey. Bots will be responsible for further education and become a kind of tutors. For example, if the student with an algebra problem, the system will help him with homework.

Modern technology is far from perfect: the artificial intelligence has not yet mastered the peculiarities of living speech and learned not to speculate logically. For 14 years, it is unlikely to happen as a global breakthrough. But today's companies are already taking the first steps. Platform Third Space Learning is not renounced the use of teachers, but AI has introduced to assess their work. Project Little Dragon also uses artificial intelligence to improve textbooks and educational program as a whole. With analysts and selection algorithms already manage the program, but to become a teacher, AI need to get emotional intelligence - and this is the main challenge that is facing developers of smart systems.

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