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How to fake a fingerprint for iPhone?

Developers have created a fingerprint sensor on the iPhone, as a way to further protect your phone and data. But with the help of certain tricks to get around this possible precaution.
The exhibition of the mobile industry International World Congress (Mobile World Congres) in Barcelona Vkansee company's employees have demonstrated a way to how to use the clay and gypsum dental bypass Touch ID on the iPhone. Vkansee develops miniature fingerprint sensor.  

Squeezed out of shape dental plaster. 

Next, put your finger on the extruded mixture, and hold for five minutes. Then slowly lift your finger. 

In the dental plaster is a fingerprint. Give him a few minutes to dry. 

In the next step we attach little clay plaster to a standstill.  

The photograph Vkansee two touch sensors, which have greater detail than the iPhone. That's what it's like a fingerprint sensor in your phone: 

In the photo below standard optical fingerprint sensor. It's pretty big. WE CAN SAY say their smaller sensors.  

So sees the computer recreated fingerprint: 

And that's what it's like "plasticine" version, which was enough to get around the sensor in the iPhone: 

As shown in the photos, the user is to make enough finger to plaster and wait until it hardens. To this a cast is applied clay, which is suitable for unlocking the iPhone. But in fairness it should be noted that the Touch ID was developed for conventional smartphone, rather than a top-secret device on and bypass the sensor is simple enough. Besides iPhone, you can password-protect, which, as it turns out, is not able to pick up even the FBI. Yes, and carry out such an attack, in practice, quite difficult. Get a plaster cast of a finger or plasticine would be extremely difficult. This will require special equipment and physical contact with the user. 


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