The negative effects of social media on young people's health.

A total of 1479 people participated, age ranged from 14 to 24 years. Young people respond to questions concerning, in particular, their favorite social networks: the volunteers were asked to rate them according to indicators such as the "alarm", "loneliness", "depression", "insult", "creation of the external image." Total attended by 14 positions, to consider such popular resources such as YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook and Twitter.
The survey showed that the greatest danger is Instagram application. Its active use led to increased anxiety, poor sleep and the appearance of a sense of their own inadequacy. Total Instagram was sharply negative assessments on 7 indicators. The second "honorable" place went Snapchat-in. Scientists themselves see this as a direct relationship, as both a resource "incarcerated" under the image that makes a person feel inferior when viewing photos of other people.

Twitter and Facebook do not have such a negative effect, even though, according to the findings, they also did not lead to peace of mind. But YouTube recognized the "positive" resource: he got a good score on nine points, although not contribute to good sleep. It is said that the authors of the study as a whole set themselves very negatively in relation to social networks, arguing that they increase anxiety.