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Excellent alternative for OpenVPN client for Linux with GUI

OAST OpenVPN GUI is a OpenVPN client for both Windows and Linux.

Read this How to setup OpenVPN

Step 1:

Download these script
Linux x86 client:

Linux x86-64 client:

1) Download the file and save it to your "Downloads" folder

2) Open "Terminal" by Ctrl+Alt+T then enter the following commands:

cd Downloads/ → to open the directory where the file is located

sudo chmod +x → to make the file executable

./ → to execute the file (try “sh ./” if not working)

*.Software requirements

OpenVPN service and Java runtime environment are installed, make sure to install these packages prior to installing OAST:

sudo apt-get install openvpn default-jre gksu -y → Debian based distributions (Ubuntu, Mint,...)

sudo yum install -y openvpn java-1.8.0-openjdk kdesu → RPM based distributions (Fedora, CentOS,..)


get the *.ovpn config profiles for the VPN servers

Free VPN websites.



sudo unzip -d /etc/openvpn

The *.ovpn profiles should be put into the folder /etc/openvpn

Hope you will figure it out the lines I skipped in between...too lazy!

mail me if you are stuck. or you can comment below ...more easy.


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